
Appointments & walk-in customers

Table of Contents

From the 1st August, in addition to the appointments we will be accepting walk-in customers.

Hello everyone

I hope you and your respective families are all well. It has been a while that we have had to follow government guidelines and remained closed. We hope that in this time you have all stayed safe and well. Soon, we hope, we will all be able to meet family and friends and look forward to when we can hug, embrace, share a meal, a glass of wine and share that precious time with the people that we love.

  • We have rearranged the shop and prepared in such a way that we are able to fit up to 4 families at once safely. The only day in August that this will not be possible due to staffing will be Tuesday 11th August where there will be only 1 appointment slot available and 1 fitter taking walk-in customers.

  • Our new Social Distancing Queuing System has arrived! You will be able to collect your pager with a £10 deposit, and travel anywhere along our high street! This means that from Friday 24th July you can visit us whether you have an appointment or not.
  • As we enter our busiest time of the year, your’s and our safety is a big priority. Our new system means you wont have to wait inside, allowing us to ensure safety within the shop, but you also won’t have to remain outside the shop either.
  • While you wait there are multiple places to go and pick up a snack for yourself and the kids. You will be able to wait in your car or in one of the cafes around our shop without losing your place in the queue.
  • Deposits can be made via contactless card payment at the front door, the deposit will either be deducted from the total of your purchase or refunded to you on return of the pager.
In preparation for Back to School 2020, we wish to keep you updated on the safety measures and procedures being put into place to ensure the safety of our customers and staff. We are confident that we will be able to deliver the same quality of service that we always have. In the interest of everyone’s safety we need to introduce new working practices, and thank you for your patience and understanding. I am aware that the guidance below is lengthy and sounds rather official, but I kindly request that you take the time to read through it.
We have invested in PPE for the staff to help keep you and us safe.

Fittings are by appointment via a dedicated phoneline, 01707 629585.

To book an appointment,

Call 01707 629585

Mon-Fri between 10am-4pm.

You will be asked a few questions so we can assess your requirements and provide you with a safe environment and stress-free experience.

  • You will be required to book an appointment for each individual fitting.
  • Please only arrive within 5 minutes of your appointment, not before as you may not be able to enter the shop.
  • The front door will be monitored and you will need to ring the door bell if you have not been acknowledged at the door.
  • Each child may only have one accompanying adult and adults requiring shoes may have one other adult attending if they require assistance.
  • All customers must bring with them an appropriate pair of clean socks to be put on immediately prior to the fitting process commencing. If you do not have a clean pair of socks with you may be asked to purchase a pair.
  • Everyone entering the shop is required to wear a face mask or a face covering at all times. In the event that you do not have respiratory protection you will be asked to purchase it from us for a nominal fee, and all profits raised will be distributed to a local charity.
  • Everyone entering the shop will have their temperature taken with an Infra-Red thermometer and anyone found to have a temperature of 38 degrees and above will not be allowed to enter the shop.
  • Customers will step onto an antibacterial mat and asked to sanitize their hands with antibacterial gel which will be available. Then you will have a dedicated fitter and fitting area.
  • We kindly request that customers refrain from touching the displays.
  • We kindly request that all customers stay within their allocated fitting area apart from when instructed to walk in the shoes that are being fitted and then must remain within the designated walkways which will be clearly marked.
  • All footwear that has been tried on will be treated with an antibacterial spray before they are put back into stock.
  • We kindly ask that you use the sanitizing gel prior to leaving the shop.
  • Before the fitting area is used for the next customer the area and any gauges used with be wiped down will antibacterial spray or wipes.
  • Finally, we need children to be supervised at all times by the accompanying adult, for their own safety and protection.

We will be using PPE and we kindly request that you advise you children accordingly prior to visiting us, as we understand that it may make them feel apprehensive. The safety of our customers and staff is paramount and we kindly ask that you help us deliver a high-quality service in the safest possible manner.

We are really looking forward to welcoming you again.

Peter and the team at Precious Soles.

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